You thought you had succeeded in writing your website, relying on your literary fiber and the geek talents of your nephew. Despite a modern and pleasant visual, the number of visits to your site remains desperately low. Moreover, it does not appear in the first pages of search results on the basis of well-chosen keywords. Are you wondering how to design your digital showcase to boost its visibility and thus multiply your communication? Are you hesitating to hire a web copywriting agency? Follow our advice!
Designing the writing of your website to make you want: the importance of the user experience
The Internet user who arrives on your site has the power to stay there if he feels good, or to leave it if he does not find what he is looking for. Even if it seems trivial to you, your web page must make him want to continue reading thanks to a pleasant user experience. It must first be well written! Only then can you hope that this visit results in a click or a purchase! It is therefore essential to take care of the quality of your website by checking the following points as a priority:
- Is the editorial content impeccable in terms of spelling and typography?
- Is the presentation airy, illustrated, with fairly short sentences?
- Can we identify at first glance the common thread of a page thanks to its title and intertitles?
- Do you offer valuable and unique content, with trusted sources?
- Do you bring out positive emotions for the reader?
- Is the site mobile-friendly, i.e., suitable for viewing on a smartphone?
The quality of editorial content is the first key to your success on the web. Contrary to purely technical criteria which evolve over time, investing in quality content will remain a factor of good referencing.
Boost website traffic with quality content
In order to succeed in multiplying your communication, you have understood that you must manage to reach the greatest possible number of people. The visibility of your site in a good place in Google’s search results is therefore fundamental. The more a website has quality content, the more it is recognized and cited by other sites to find best ghost writers for hire, the better it will be referenced. We are talking about the quality of the editorial content of your site. Here are a few things to check for your site to stand out:
- Does it bring real added value that will captivate the reader?
- Does he use a rich and varied vocabulary?
- Is the internal mesh, that is to say the links between different pages of your website, present? It helps guide the user in his journey and encourages him to stay on your site.
Also consider the fact that Google favors active sites, which regularly include new content. The solution? Include a blog on your site, on which you will diligently publish optimized articles related to your sector of activity. The publication of blog posts is particularly suitable for sharing on social networks and allows you to animate your company’s digital environment. Links pointing to your site pages or product sheets will bring you visits. This dynamism helps to boost the traffic of your site.
Structuring and marking up the pages of your website
You offer quality products or services; it must be known! To make your site known, you must ensure that its positioning by search engines is optimal. Indeed, attracting Internet users supposes either paying for promotional campaigns, or ensuring good natural referencing. This is called SEO: Search Engine Optimization. We thus gain free organic traffic which is less ephemeral than that which is drained by advertising.
Google, which is by far the most used tool, has complex and constantly evolving algorithms. To reference a site, it takes into account the quality of its content, which we have just discussed, and also its degree of optimization. Concretely, what should you be concerned about when working on writing a website? When designing a site page, you have to think about the fact that its content will be analyzed by a “robot”. The latter first relies on the title and intertitles to try to understand what this page is about.
It is therefore necessary to carefully write the different levels of titles by integrating keywords and identifying them with tags. It is these tags, elements of HTML code, which give a set of words the title quality of level 1, 2 or more. They allow the search engine to understand the architecture of your content. This slightly technical aspect calls for specific skills in website writing.

Calling on a writing professional: choosing the right web writing agency
You have decided to sustainably boost the organic traffic of your site. At this point, you begin to see that writing your website includes delicate tasks that are not within everyone’s reach. The difficulty is even greater if your site is an e-commerce subject to strong competition. If you want to definitely stand out, you have to get your site to appear in the very first results of Google. Don’t be alone! Hire a professional SEO web editor.
Trained in web writing and SEO, he will know how to define with you how to obtain a website that will achieve your objectives. Only a professional can both advise you and produce all the necessary content. He will write for you quality pages optimized for natural referencing, while avoiding duplicate content. He will accompany you, for example, in setting up a blog for which he will be able to write and program the articles.